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The Sochi Olympics torch flame of light emitting diode instead of walking space

Data:2018.01.17   Pv:   Article: Kexin Electronics

The Russian space rocket field sources 18, the Interfax news agency said, in November 9th this year, two Russian astronauts will be out of the international space station in space, showing the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics torch.

It is reported that at the end of 9 due to the international space station work of the Russian astronaut Oleg - Sergei kotoff and Ryazan Chomsky will complete the mission in November 9 sunrise class they have only one purpose, which is to show the Sochi Olympics torch. Before going to the space station, the two astronauts will be rehearsing the Olympic torch event in the face and out of the cabin.

According to the Sochi Olympic Organizing Committee and the Russian Federal Space Agency Agreement signed in June this year, the Russian space agency will take the Sochi Olympics torch to the international space station, astronauts will be out of the cabin on the show. At the beginning of November this year, the Russian Soyuz spacecraft will be equipped with the Sochi Olympics torch to the international space station. Russia's "energy" rocket Aerospace Corp EVA director Alexander - Boliexiuke said that the plan in the space to display on the torch may install a light emitting diode, to replace the true flame. Currently the international space station work - the Russian cosmonaut Fyodor yurchi Yan will be responsible for the torch back to earth.

The Russian Federal Space Agency Director Vladimir Popov said the astronauts show the Olympic torch will be the history of the Olympic movement is "the one and only" event, will leave a thick and heavy in colours in the history of the world aerospace a. It is reported that the Sochi Olympic Organizing Committee plans to use the upcoming "space tour" of the torch lit the Olympic flame bowl "".

The twenty-second Winter Olympics will be held in the southern Russian city of Sochi in February 2014. The Sochi Olympics torch relay will begin in Moscow in October this year, which lasted 123 days, the torch for a total of 14 thousand people, the route will pass through 2900 regions of the Russian community.
